As part of the ongoing Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series, a new exhibition, Along the Colorado opens at the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery on August 4, 2022, and will be on display online at Along the Colorado, produced by Nevada Humanities and curated by Nevada artist Sapira Cheuk, includes paintings, mixed media, and video works that explore the water crisis faced by the desert Southwest, the nation, and the planet.
On August 16, 2021, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared the first-ever official water shortage for the Colorado River Basin. For the seven states along the Colorado River, this has meant new and increased water use restrictions and evolving interstate relationships, not only to the river, but also between each other.
Along the Colorado includes artists, scientists, and advocates from Colorado River Basin states whose works explore the scarcity, commodification, conservation, legality, and politics of water use. Along the Colorado will feature the following contributors: Jess Benjamin, John Fleck, Alexander Heilner, Patrick Kikut, Michael B. Mason, Dr. Thomas Minckley, Cody Perry, Kyle Roerink, Sean D. Russell, Cliff Segerblom, Jen Urso, and Marc Wise. > Read More